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What to Do While in Lock Down

During this quarantine season, Lock downs and partial lock downs have forced many of us to have too much time on our hands.
Its amazing what you could achieve during this unprecedented times.
I know its a traumatizing time for those of us who have ailing families and loved ones and we may not have time to even think of ourselves.
However, there are those that are caught in the middle of a nation fighting the spread of the virus for obvious reasons and the need to economically active. We are not front line fighters and we are forced to stay indoors, minimise interactions and gathering to reduce the risk of infection.
Reading keeps the mind occupied. In fact, depending on what you are reading, it could be therapeutic. There zillions of materials to read online ranging from books, magazines, newspapers and many more. You could get that novel you have been yearning to read.
When you read you get inspiration to write. This is good for the creative lot. If you have a way with with words you would decide to write short stories, or you could spend more time on your blog like me, or you could start crafting that novel you had thought about.
Movies, plays, series. Finish up on the series you gave always wanted to watch. Movies can be a great way to keep you occupied during this pandemic.
If you open YouTube or rather google, you will get hundreds of resources to help you exercise while confined in your home. Exercise can range from lofting small weights in your house balcony to pushups in your own leaving room
I guess these four ways can help you get occupied as we continue fighting the covid-19 pandemic.
Hey! Remember its personal hygiene they are emphasizing, wash you hands with soap and water, use face mask, gloves when you go out to get groceries, or other public places, stay at home, avoid unnecessary gatherings. Stay safe. 


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